Montessori Quotes

I’m always looking for Montessori quotes for inspiration, adding to Instagram posts, etc, so I’ve decided to compile my favorite Montessori quotes in one spot.

Maria Montessori Quotes

Here are some of my favorite Montessori quotes from Dr. Maria Montessori.

One test of the correctness of education procedure is the happiness of the child.

Maria Montessori

I love this quote. It seems like common sense, but the happiness of the child is not something our society seems to take into consideration within the public education system. I love how Montessori schooling allows children to choose what they are most interested in learning about at the time, rather than all having to perform the same activities.

Let the children be free; encourage them; let them run outside when it is raining; let them remove their shoes when they find a puddle of water; and, when the grass of the meadows is damp with dew, let them run on it and trample it with their bare feet; let them rest peacefully when a tree invites them to sleep beneath it’s shade; let them shout and laugh when the sun wakes them in the morning as it wakes every living creature that divides its day between waking and sleeping.

Maria Montessori

Just a great quote about letting children enjoy nature. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that we were meant to be outside, and kids should be able to embrace that. Our daughter is always happiest in nature.

The child has a mind able to absorb knowledge.  He has the power to teach himself.

Maria Montessori

A great reminder that children are constantly learning, and are capable of learning on their own too.

A child who has become master of his acts through long and repeated exercises, and who has been encouraged by the pleasant and interesting activities in which he has been engaged, is a child filled with health and joy and remarkable for his calmness and discipline.

Maria Montessori

A bit of a look into the Montessori method in school, where kids often have long windows of time to work without interruption, allowing them to concentrate and master exercises that they are interested in and are enjoying.

The Montessori Toddler Quotes

The first Montessori book I’ve read, and probably my favorite. Simone Davies has put together an excellent guide for parents interested in the Montessori Method.

Through independence the child learns how to be responsible for caring for themselves, others, and the environment.


Montessori revolves a lot around independence, and this is a simple quote that shows why independence in the child is important for our society.

Follow the child’s pace and interests. Let them take the time to choose for themselves rather than suggesting or leading the play.

Simone Davies

A good reminder to sit back and let the child do things at their own pace. Sometimes it’s easy to rush things, correct, or direct your child to an activity you want them to use – but we must sit back and follow the child’s lead.

Dr. Montessori encourages us to trust that the child wants to learn and grow – and that the child intrinsically knows what they need to be working on to develop as they should. This means that if we provide them with a rich environment to explore, we don’t need to force them to learn or be worried if they are developing “differently” from their peers.

Simone Davies

A great quote to remind us that every child wants to learn and if they are provided with a rich environment they will learn and grow at their own pace and in their own unique way.

Understanding Montessori: A Guide For Parents Quotes

I’m making my way through this great Montessori book written by Maren Schmidt and have been highlights some quotes that I will post below.

The young child asks us to “help me help myself”. Our children are born with a vibrant urge to become independent and capable. Montessori education (and life approach) is designed to help children help themselves by developing independence and concentration.

Maren Schmidt

One of my favorite Montessori quotes explaining what the Montessori is based around. Children really just want to be independent, and as parents, we should be helping them help themselves.